Sex Offender Evaluations & Expert Witness

Sex Offender  Evaluations

 Sex offender evaluations are evaluations in which an individual who have committed a sex crime is evaluated to determine the level of risk to the community and to determine the best treatment options and placement. The evaluation of a sexual offender requires the forensic examiner to look for risk factors by reviewing materials relevant to the offenses such as: statements to the police, previous psychological evaluations, witness accounts of his/her behavior, and past criminal record.

Psychological testing include assessments such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – Second Edition (MMPI-2) and the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI). Dr. Lockard’s sex offender evaluation contains a social history, mental status examination and a detailed personality make-up of the individual. A detailed examination of test results, clinical interview and collateral information, allows Dr. Lockard to gain a better understanding whether that individual posesses emotional behavioral disturbances and/or psychopathy that would increase their risk for re-offending.